About me

Running and writing are two things I couldn’t stop doing if I tried. I don’t know what qualifies someone as either, but I am pretty sure I hit the qualifications for both throughout my 33 years. From passing out sports recaps and book reports for fun at family get-togethers as a kid to being published in other online publications, I can’t imagine a world where I’m not putting ideas down on paper or online.

And since I’ve been running half and full marathons, the most common topic on those pages has been running. Running is a simple sport, but over the years I have learned a lot from it, and the lessons keep coming and I think that is why I keep lacing up my shoes and hitting the road. The goal of this publication is to digest and share those lessons. I plan on writing frequently about training, reflections on how the sport has affected me personally and professionally, and other stories about how running interacts with the culture, in some obvious and not-so-obvious ways. That’s why I call this a newsletter that’s (not just) about running.

The best way to stay up to date is to subscribe. It’s free, although I am open to any pledges you may feel so inclined to give. When you do, you will get my latest stories and insights directly to your inbox by hitting the subscribe button below.

If you enjoy my writing, I would appreciate it if you share it with those you may think would enjoy it. It’s the biggest compliment you can give, and I am forever grateful.

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A newsletter that's (not just) about running